A Long Haul towards Safety

Yes, it’s the year 2020; the same year where Phoebe predicted that Emma would be hearing her message from a TV that wasn’t invented back then, living in cities built on air to escape from the “ant people”. But looking at her expectations we seem to have fallen short of them, it’s evident in the way the pandemic is wreaking havoc in the nation. It looks like there’s a long travel ahead to develop a fool-proof healthcare system. The coronavirus pandemic has truly highlighted the blemish of all nations affecting each and every country alike; irrespective of the divisions and distinctions men had incorporated into their lives. This failure in the health care system globally has become a lesson for all the world leaders who invested more on hedonism than on trying to build a system that could withstand a global catastrophe. We were so threatened by what one human could do to other, finding ways to destroy one another, if need be, we never invented any protocol to stave off a ma...