Whatever You're Into, Get Into Vaccine Pandemic

A living thing that has exhibited the characteristic of thriving on the expense of some other living being, better than humans, as far as I can think of, might only be viruses. Sickness has existed as long as humans have, which has brought forward the need for medicines in human society, oldest use of prescriptions dates back to 2,112 BC – 2,004 BC in Sumer during the third dynasty of Ur. B ut the way we handle sickness now is completely different from how we went about it in the medieval times. Yes, the credit is unanimously given to science and technology but what really deserves the credit for our development must be the undying human tendency to know and learn, be it John Snow , who traced the source of cholera outbreak in London,or Edward Jenner , who found out that infection to cow pox could create immunity to small pox, in a period when it was considered that “ demons ” and other “ sinful airs ” were disseminating diseases. Throughout history, humankind has benefitte...