Is Contact Tracing App A key to your Privacy?

What if you had a code that could access every detail of your life, your phone, your house, even your bank account? Would you go around sharing that code with everyone you know? I don’t think so. People are pretty defensive when it comes to sharing personal details because privacy unlocks their life. But what if your own Government uses these small details against you? You would never want that, trust me. According to the words of famous American Whistleblower Edward Snowden, " No matter who you are, every day of your life you are sitting in a Database just ready to be looked at ." To know how data can really be misused let us talk about some real-world examples. ✓ In India, Cambridge Analytica had been used by Indian National Congress to carryout in-depth electorate analysis and influence voters in the 2010 elections by exposing data of about 562,455 users. ✓ Back in 2016, state auditors in the state of Minnesota found that between 2013...